If you’re facing federal drug charges, the chances are good that you’re facing some pretty serious penalties. The federal government may choose to file charges in any Alabama drug case, but it’s more likely to if law enforcement believes there’s a large-scale drug operation, state or national borders were crossed, organized crime is involved, or there’s significant firearms and violence. If the prosecution arises after a long-term investigation, it’s also likely to be a federal case.
We defend clients charged with federal drug crimes in the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Middle and Southern Districts of Alabama. If necessary, our federal lawyers are willing and able to take your case to the Eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Serious federal charges he defends include:
Federal drug charges carry extremely long prison sentences. A first offense for trafficking the lowest amounts of cocaine, heroin or meth draws five to 40 years in prison; if there was death or serious injury, the sentence is 20 years to life. Higher amounts of drugs and repeat offenses draw even more prison time. Those convicted also face confiscation of property the government believes is related to the drug crime, and millions of dollars in fines.
If law enforcement believes organized crime of any kind was behind the crime, they may stack on charges for racketeering (RICO), which can substantially increase the sentence. A RICO charge also allows law enforcement to freeze or confiscate your assets before you’re even indicted. And of course, a federal conviction carries all the social and professional stigma of any criminal record.
If you’re facing federal drug charges, it’s essential to protect your rights by hiring a high-quality criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t say a single word to law enforcement until we are by your side.
Federal drug cases are almost always the result of long-term investigations. If you’ve been charged with a serious federal drug crime, it’s likely that law enforcement has built its case for months or even years, relying on surveillance, wiretaps, informants and other covert evidence. These techniques can leave gaps in information, which can lead to arrests for people who aren’t really involved.
Once you’re in the interview room, they may try to intimidate or coax you into completing the picture for them. Don’t say a word, because anything you say to law enforcement can be used against you.
ederal conspiracy is defined as the agreement between two or more individuals to engage in the commission of a crime that violates federal laws. Individuals who face conspiracy charges involving drug crimes often face particularly adverse consequences including a significant amount of time in prison, substantial fines, and stigmatizing social effects. As a result of the severity of federal drug conspiracy charges, individuals faced with these types of charges frequently decide to employ the experience of highly-seasoned criminal defense lawyers. There are also some important facts that individuals must understand concerning federal drug conspiracy charges in Jefferson county and throughout the state of Alabama.
Federal drug laws cover a variety of drug offenses, which include manufacturing illegal substances, possessing illegal substances with the intent to distribute the drugs.
Federal conspiracy laws are designed to prevent the involvement of two or more individuals in many crimes including drug-related offenses.
Many drug conspiracy crimes involve individuals who might not even be aware of the other’s existence. If at least one individual was aware of the conspiracy, however, conspiracy charges may be filed.
It takes a particularly small amount of activity for a federal drug conspiracy crime to be made against an individual. In order to satisfy the requirements for a federal drug conspiracy conviction, federal law enforcement must demonstrate that:
Often times, the resulting punishment for federal drug conspiracy is particularly strict. Individuals who are punished for conspiracy charges by the federal government faces prison sentences of not more than five years and/or a substantial fine.
The amount of drugs involved in a charge greatly influence the resulting punishment. Individuals who are convicted of five hundred or more grams of cocaine, greater than one hundred grams of heroin, greater than one hundred kilograms of marijuana, and five or greater grams of methamphetamine often result of prison sentence between five and forty years. Drug convictions involving five or more kilograms of cocaine, one kilogram or more of heroin, one thousand or more kilograms of marijuana, or greater than fifty grams of methamphetamine most often result in sentences of ten years to life. These potential penalties are increased for individuals with prior felony drug convictions.
Sometimes, individuals who face drug conspiracy crimes are able to receive less severe penalties by working against other individuals who were involved in the conspiracy.
At Alabama Criminal Lawyers, we offer dedicated and experienced defense to people throughout the entire state of Alabama who have been arrested on federal drug charges. We understand the magnitude of these types of cases, as almost all federal drug crimes are punishable by years in federal prison, thousands of dollars in fines, and other serious penalties. In addition, most people charged with a federal drug crime face additional charges as well. For example, it is not unusual for a person accused of trafficking to also be charged with distribution, sale, manufacturing, and racketeering.
Most federal drug charges are filed after months, sometimes even years, of investigative work, giving the prosecution ample time to build their case against you. Our drug crime attorneys can provide you with the uncompromising defense you need against your charges. Perhaps the police violated your civil rights? Maybe there is a flaw with the prosecution’s case? Maybe the evidence is weak? Trust your case to us, and we will find an effective defense for fighting your charges.
Contact Alabama Criminal Lawyers today at (205) 981-2450 for a free consultation.