Pell City, AL Criminal Defense Attorney

If you’re ready to hire a criminal law attorney, there are many ways of getting in touch:


"I would recommend him to my friends and family without hesitation."

– Michael W

Pell City, AL – Criminal Defense

Located in St Claire County, Alabama, Pell City has a population of about 13,000. Located 35 miles east of Birmingham on the shores of Logan Martin Lake, the city is surrounded by Wattsville, Cropwell, Seddon, and Chula Vista.

At Alabama Criminal Lawyers, our Pell City Criminal Defense Attorneys forged their careers fighting for the rights of clients facing criminal charges in Pell City and the surrounding area, including drug charges, sex crimes, theft, robbery, burglary, shoplifting, assault, domestic violence, and juvenile charges.

Pell City Criminal Charges

Rape: 5
Robbery: 4
Assault: 32
Burglary: 63
Theft: 392
Auto Theft: 22

Source: Alabama Criminal Justice information center, 2010 report.

Those facing drug charges in Pell City often need help navigating the legal system. Help is available for those who know where to look. Those who don’t could face an endless parade of legal problems, jail or prison time, lengthy sentences of probation, fines and court costs they will never be able to pay, and a permanent criminal record.

There are states with enlightened drug laws – 16 have even made medical marijuana legal. Many others have decriminalized its possession. Alabama is not one of them.

Alabama drug laws still include mandatory minimum sentences, which can result in years or decades behind bars. An experienced Pell City drug crimes defense lawyer can often do his best work before charges are filed, or by fighting how a defendant was charged, or by exploring treatment or alternative sentencing options with prosecutors.

More than with many other types of crimes, there are options on the table. But defending clients against drug charges is a complex process that requires plenty of experience to secure the best possible deal and to fight to keep a conviction off a client’s permanent record.

Theft charges in Pell City and elsewhere in Alabama are the most commonly filed criminal charges. Robbery, burglary, theft, auto theft, and shoplifting are common. In other cases, fraud, embezzlement or white-collar crime may be involved. Cybercrime and identity theft have also grown more common in recent years.

Like drug charges, the penalties a defendant faces have much to do with how he or she is charged. Allegations of the use of a weapon, or of force or the threat of force, can increase criminal penalties. As can the dollar value of what was stolen.

With theft charges, defendants are rarely caught in the act. When detectives rely on search warrants, eyewitness testimony, or the possession of stolen items to prove theft or burglary, an experienced Pell City theft defense lawyer can often succeed in getting the charges reduced or dismissed.

Whether you are facing a drug charge, theft charge or sex crime, speaking with authorities is almost always a mistake. When dealing with allegations of a sex crime – whether rape, sexual assault, inappropriate sexual contact with a minor, or allegations involving child pornography – authorities often use a defendant’s embarrassment to get a statement or a confession.

Authorities do not have the ability to make a deal on your behalf with prosecutors – nor are they typically interested in doing so. It’s their job to gather evidence of your guilt. When it comes to your future, trust your attorney.

If you are facing criminal charges in Pell City, contact us for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

The Time To Hire An Attorney Is Now.

Call us at 205-981-2450

Pell City DUI Defense

If you fail a blood-alcohol test, or refuse to submit to testing, you will face the suspension of your driver’s license and an administrative hearing through the Alabama Department of Public Safety. Several important points:

  • You have just 10 days to take action to fight for your driving rights.
  • Suspensions can be for periods of 90 days to 5 years.
  • 90 days for those with no prior alcohol-related issues in the last five years.
  • 1-year suspension for those with a previous alcohol violation in the last five years.
  • 3-year suspension for those with two or three alcohol violations in the last five years.
  • 5 years for those with five or more alcohol-related issues in the last five years.

Source: Alabama Law

Our Pell City Drunk Driving Defense Attorneys provide experienced and aggressive DUI representation to clients throughout St. Clair County and the Birmingham area. We believe fighting a drunk driving charge is critical to protecting your freedom, your livelihood, your right to drive and your current and future financial well-being.

Drunk driving charges in Alabama are very serious criminal charges. Too often offenders, particularly first-time offenders, fail to take the charges serious enough. In reality, a DUI is among the most serious misdemeanor charges a person can face; and drunk driving can be charged as a felony, particularly in cases of repeat offense or when an accident or other criminal allegations are involved.

Job loss, jail time, thousands of dollars in fines and court costs, mandatory treatment, ignition interlock devices, and lengthy driver’s license suspensions may result.

As veteran DUI defense lawyers in Pell City, we know what it takes to protect your rights. In many cases, an attorney may challenge the probable cause for the traffic stop or for requesting that you take field sobriety tests or submit to a breathalyzer.

In other cases, the conduct and training of officers involved and statements made by the defendant, members of law enforcement or witnesses can be challenged. In still other cases, the test results themselves are suspect and must be shown as such in court.

The stigma attached to a DUI conviction can impact your ability to hold certain jobs. And the criminal conviction will remain on your driving record, leaving you susceptible to more serious criminal penalties in the event of future legal problems.

For those facing a second or subsequent conviction, the very real threat of jail time and lengthy driver’s license suspensions make fighting the charges all the more critical.

Nationwide, as many as one-third of those charged with drunk driving are not convicted of the charge each year. Don’t roll over for the state. Your best defense is an aggressive offense. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights.