Facing a criminal conviction for a state or federal drug crime is a serious matter and cannot be taken lightly. Fortunately, for many drug crimes, especially first offenses, the right defense attorney may be able to negotiate with the prosecution on your behalf. Whether that means alternative sentencing or reduced charges, there’s no replacement for high-quality defense.
At Alabama Criminal Lawyers, we are committed to helping those individuals facing state or federal drug charges get their charges reduced or dropped wherever possible. We encourage you to contact a Columbiana drug crime defense attorney from our firm immediately to discuss your defense strategies.
You are probably very curious about what types of drug penalties you are facing, especially if this is your first offense. How you are charged depends on the type of the drug, the quantity of the drug and whether you meant to use it for personal use or sell it.
Drug crimes can be prosecuted as misdemeanors or felonies depending on the circumstances of your case. Even seemingly harmless acts like altering your prescription or selling a few pills to your friends can be prosecuted harshly in this state.
Regardless if you were smoking marijuana at home, or if you were caught crossings state lines with drugs in your vehicle, you are going to need the help of a highly experienced attorney if you want to minimize the penalties that you face.
Our firm can provide an effective defense for state and federal drug charges including possession, cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, under the influence, marijuana charges, methamphetamine charges, prescription drug charges and out of state drug charges.
We understand that your future is at stake and we will do everything within our means to help get the charges against you reduced or dropped wherever we can. Your success is our success and the outcome of your case is important to us; therefore, we urge you to take a moment to contact a Columbiana drug crime defense attorney from our firm immediately!
Have you recently been accused of a sex crime in Columbiana? If so, a Columbiana sex crime defense attorney from Alabama Criminal Lawyers can help. Sex crime allegations are not to be taken lightly and when it’s your word against the alleged victim’s, you cannot afford to take a chance and run the risk of ruining your reputation and your future. At our firm, we have seen countless individuals make false claims of date rape, sexual abuse, molestation etc. against our clients and we have fought hard to get these charges dropped.
Sex Crimes are serious; however, they are one of the few allegations that are frequently based on lies. It’s not uncommon for a mother to claim that her husband molested her child when trying to gain custody in a divorce, other times false claims have been made out of mere jealousy, rage or spite against our clients. We take these allegations very seriously and we will fight tooth and nail to defend your rights.
Our firm can provide a strong, aggressive and meticulous defense against every type of sex crime allegation including but not limited to: prostitution, date rape, indecent exposure, sodomy, statutory rape, exploitation, child pornography, child molestation, sexual abuse, solicitation of minors, failure to register as well as any other sex offender registration violations.
When you are facing allegations of this nature, you deserve a defense attorney that will not only respect your rights but your rights to privacy as well. We know how damaging sex crime allegations are and we do everything to treat your case with confidentiality.
A criminal conviction can cost you thousands of dollars in fines and years behind bars. What’s more, many sex crimes require that you register as a life-long sex offender. The sex offender registry is a national registry that will haunt you no matter what state you live in. Failure to register or update your new address can land you in prison for up to 10 years in this state.
As you can see, an ultimate conviction has serious, life-altering ramifications that you want to avoid at all costs. Contact a Mobile sex crime defense attorney from our firm immediately to start protecting your reputation, your future, and your legal rights.